If you're searching for accredited public health degree programs in Michigan, you've come to the right place to find about the two excellent options offered in the "Great Lake State." Both of these master's degrees have been accredited by the CEPH to certify that the education is held to the highest standards of excellence. Graduates from these programs will be in high demand as Michigan seeks to improve the poor public health outcomes here. In fact, Michigan is ranked as just the 34th most healthy state in the entire United States. Public health practitioners will be hired by local and state agencies to find innovative solutions to rising obesity rates, high binge drinking prevalence, and low high school graduation numbers. Make your goal of leaving a lasting impact on the well-being of others a reality by attending one of the following two accredited Master of Public Health degree programs in Michigan.
University of Michigan
School of Public Health
Initially founded in 1817, the University of Michigan is an elite senior public sea-grant and space-grant research institution educating more than 43,600 students on its vast flagship 3,177-acre urban campus in the state's sixth largest city at Ann Arbor. Named among Richard Moll's "Public Ivies," UM is ranked as the 29th best university and 4th top public school in America by the U.S. News and World Report. In collaboration with the country's 5th best medical school, the School of Public Health delivers the 4th top graduate public health degree programs. There's a low student-faculty ratio of 9:1 to ensure graduates have the practical skills to transform the well-being of our world's seven billion people.
Master of Public Health (MPH)
As the traditional professional degree required by statute for public health practitioners, the Master of Public Health (MPH) program at UM is focused on preparing graduate students to function in leadership roles in developing interventions that improve community health. Using a competency-based format of instruction, the program requires the completion of 60 credits, including a capstone project and at least 318 hours of fieldwork experience. Depending on their future career hopes, MPH students have the flexibility to concentrate in Biostatistics, Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology, Health Behavior and Health Education, Health Informatics, Health Management and Policy, or Nutritional Sciences. Graduates will have the ethical principles, research methods, and health promotion perspectives needed to work in local, regional, state, national, or even international health agencies.
- Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)
- Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association (NCA)
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(734) 764-5425
[email protected]
Wayne State University
School of Medicine
Nestled on a main 203-acre urban campus in the Midtown Cultural Center of the state's largest city at Detroit, Wayne State University is a major comprehensive four-year public research institution serving nearly 28,000 students in over 380 academic degree programs. Along with being named among the world's top 350 universities by the Times Higher Education, Wayne State was crowned the 144th best master's-level college in America for ethics and public service in Washington Monthly. Highly regarded as the 63rd best medical research center in the United States, the School of Medicine is dedicated to identify new preventive strategies and therapeutic approaches for diseases affecting inner city populations.
Master of Public Health (MPH)
Designed to produce competent practitioners who will improve the health of Michigan's urban and underserved communities, the Master of Public Health (MPH) program Wayne State uses a variety of teaching methods to inspire graduate students to excel in interdisciplinary research and applied practice. After fulfilling the major core, students have the option to concentrate in Public Health Practice or Biostatistics. Within the 42-credit curriculum, students will spend two years full-time or four years part-time completing advanced courses, participating in public health practicum, and finishing their master's capstone project. Graduates can go on to reduce health disparities by becoming research coordinators, health educators, toxicologists, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, public health analysts, non-profit managers, and more.
- Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)
- Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association (NCA)
3939 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201
(313) 577-1051
[email protected]
Overall, students who make the extra effort to earn a MPH will unlock a wide variety of in-demand career options in today's thriving healthcare industry. Graduates can find a rewarding job drafting new health policies, conducting epidemiological research, educating the public on medical treatments, reducing health disparities, starting a new non-profit for preventing disease, and so much more. After all, the MPH was named America's sixth best master's degrees with employment growth topping over 30 percent in the next decade. Don't let opportunity pass you by in reaching your practice dreams when these excellent accredited public health degree programs in Michigan are available.