If you want to advance your career, then now is the time to start looking for accredited healthcare administration degrees in Oregon. Job growth for healthcare managers and administrators is expected to increase by 23 percent between 2012 and 2022. As healthcare systems adjust to an aging U.S. population and the switch to electronic health records, there will be a growing need for skilled workers who can launch innovative healthcare campaigns that benefit patients and healthcare companies alike.

Portland State University

School of Business Administration

The School of Business Administration at Portland State University boasts 1,000 graduates a year on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students at the School have access to programs that link them with the local community and help them develop real-world business skills. Degree options at the undergraduate level include Accounting, Advertising Management, Finance and Marketing, while graduate degree opportunities include an MBA program, an M.S. in Financial Development and the Healthcare MBA.

Healthcare MBA

The Healthcare MBA is a joint effort put forth by Portland State University and the Oregon Health and Science University. Classes are mostly offered online, which is convenient for students who have other obligations. On-campus courses make up 20 percent of the total program, which can be completed in 33 months. Subjects taught include Managerial Accounting and Control in Healthcare, Financial Reporting in Healthcare, Healthcare Program Management and Legislation and Regulation of Healthcare. Capstone courses help students apply their knowledge and skills to practical healthcare management situations. Participation in local consulting products lets students have the opportunity to engage in real-world research and analysis. Students must complete 72 credit hours in order to graduate. Graduates of the MBA in healthcare administration program at Portland State University will be ready to enter the workforce as mid-level managers in healthcare companies, insurance companies, hospitals and other healthcare facilities with administrative staff. Learning outcomes include the ability to create and implement healthcare policy campaigns, the ability to consult with local and regional health administrators and the ability to demonstrate leadership skills.


  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)

Contact Information
Oregon Health and Science University
3310 Southwest Veterans Hospital Road
Portland, Oregon 97239
Portland State University
School of Business Administration, Suite 540
631 Southwest Harrison Street
Portland, Oregon 97201

The healthcare industry needs good leaders with interdisciplinary skills for the next generation of Americans, and this school offers the tools students need to meet that demand. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and enroll in healthcare administration degree programs in Oregon, then why not contact Portland State University today for more information?