If you are studying for a degree in healthcare administration, you can pursue a wide variety of specializations, including one in public policy. With demand projected to grow by as much as 22% in the upcoming years, the number of students who are enrolling in health administration programs are is the rise. Because there will be a much larger population of graduates who possess Bachelor's or Master's degrees, it is crucial that you take the time to research specializations and determine which are best for you.
There are several different specialties in health services administration that a student can choose from when they are earning their Master's or MBA. From economics and finance to planning and marketing, there are areas within the public and private sector that appeal to professionals with all types of different interests. Since the field is a combination of business, money management and policy in healthcare settings, you are not limited in your choices. If working in the public sector as a specialist in policy analysis appeals to you, read on and find out how you can pursue this specialization.
How to Specialize and Get the Most From It
If you want to work in policy development or analysis, getting trained for an MBA or Master's in health administration or services could be exactly what you need. The best way to attain the knowledge that you need is to choose an MBA concentration or an MHA specialization. The name of the specialization will depend upon the school that you attend. Some of the common programs that will prepare you to work in policy include: Health Services Policy and Administration, Healthcare Policy and Policy Analysis and Development. You will need to find out which accredited schools have the specialization that you desire and make a list to conduct your research.
What Will Specialization Courses in Policy Teach Students?
The development of healthcare policies can change the way that the nation receives care. Since there are healthcare reforms and new insurance laws passed on a regular basis, you need to learn about the trends of policy development, and how to identify and analyze them, while you are earning your MHA. There will be courses centered around assessing the quality in policy and how to manage outcomes, as well. Some of the courses that you will take while you earn your advanced degree include:
- Contract Management
- Social Policy in Healthcare Settings
- Health Law and Policies
- North American Health Care System
- Allocation of Resources in Health Policy
- Public Health Management
- Health Politics
- Policy Analysis
- Public Health History
- Public Health Management
- Regulations in Health Care
You may have the option to choose electives that interest you, in addition to the required coursework.
If you want to become a specialist in public healthcare policy, you need to be an inherent problem solver who has a passion for coming up with solutions that benefit society. You can earn a Master's in Public Policies, or you can get a more specific credential that is specific to healthcare policy in the public sector. Make sure that you review all of the opportunities for health administrators who work in policy development and then decide. Once you know that public policy is the area that you are most passionate about, enroll in a healthcare administration degree program with the appropriate specialization.